
Írta: kdf

Ahogy Eva Kyselová, a fiatal szlovák kritikus látta a tavalyi fesztivált

"I visited Contemporary Drama Festival in Budapest last year and it was also for the first time I attended a Hungarian theatre festival altough I had seen a lot of Hungarian performances before. I was a participant of the AICT young critics seminar which was about to be led by Dirk Pilz but definitely our leader was british theatre critic Ian Herbert. During the seminar we were trying to analyse performances we had seen and also share and compare theatre situation of our countries.

I can not choose just one production which I find the best, all of them were interesting and valuable and also they represent recent hungarian theatre.

Festival gave me a picture of the most interesting trends in theatre and in very short time I could see a lot of different Hungarian productions which probably I would not see one next to each other. I was also very pleased about the organization of the festival which was on high level. I can just recommend to everyone to visitt this festival."

Szólj hozzá!

Címkék: kortárs emlékek 2008 drámafesztivál

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